I had tried everything before coming to Spinal Relief. Acupuncture, chiropractic, physical therapy, aqua therapy, injections… everything. I had 5 severely degenerated discs in my neck. I lived in extreme pain and of course not sleeping either; needless to say I was also quite depressed. It’s been a long road here at Spinal Relief. All the girls are absolutely fabulous. They really know how to make your experience here exceptional. Halfway there, I was sleeping more comfortably. The days started becoming more tolerable and now being as far as I can personally go with decompression, I actually have much less pain free days. I’ve been getting back to work, taking on more hours, getting back to activities and exercising which has been foreign to me. I’m definitely not depressed anymore. My only regret is not knowing about Spinal Relief sooner. I would recommend it highly to all those who suffer with daily pain and spasms, etc.
-Shera B.
-46 years old
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression. Works for Chronic Back Pain, Sciatica, Herniated Discs, Bulging Discs, Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative Disc Disease, Neck Pain, and Even after Failed Back Surgeries