Sunday, August 5, 2007

My Experience...

If you're reading this your're probably considering the non-surgical decompression program. I remember doing the same thing when considering the program, reading testimonials and wondering how much I could believe. Now that I'm on the other side of the process I'd like to share my story.

My first back incident occurred when I was in high school and was caused by a bad fall I took when I was water skiing. Twenty years went by and the lower back problems slowly increased with pain and stiffness, sometimes getting to the point where I had to hunch over just to walk. I was still athleticaly active, but would often pay the price with lower back pain the next day. I tried chiropractics, massage therapyy, ice, anti-inflammatory medicines, and physical therapy, and although they all helped no of them provided long-term sustained relief.

Then five years ago I was on a camping trip and woke up one morning with intense, severe lower back pain leading to an ER visit. Two days later I had an MRI. I continued to use ice, heat, and anti-inflammatory medications along with massage and chiropractic treatments, physical therapy and acupuncture to try and control the pain. In addition, I was following a daily exercise routine designed to reduce the pain and strengthen the problem area. Although I experienced some relief the overall pain level increased and I started to have continual numbness in my right foot and frequent leg cramps. Tennis and basketball were now out of the question.

I saw an ad for decompression and thought I'd at least go for an exam. What could it hurt? I was hoping decompression might help me avoid the need for surgery, which I was beginning to think was eventuallyy inevitable. Well, the exam revealed that I had no reflex response in my right leg and the impinged nerves in my lower back had caused me to lose the muscle control in my right leg. That was very unpleasant surprise. I was also surprised when I learned that I had multiple positive MRI findings. In other words, my condition was rapidly deteriating. It was depressing to learn how bad things really were.

So, although I was a little nervous and a bit skeptical I started the program. Two months later the reflexes and strength in my right leg were completely back to normal, which was astounding to me. One month later I was also pain-free. I'm now a whole-hearted believer in the program and am spreading the word. It really is amazing!

One more thing - the staff at the clinic is the best. They're friendly, professional, knowledgeable, and hard working.

George M. Bellevue, WA

For more info: